Thursday 10 October 2013

Counting Stars individual shot idea's 1

-Panning shot of office ending on shot of Mossy at his desk, not looking happy.
-Pile of paper on desk gets bigger, multiple shots of people putting down paper on the pile.
-Shot of his computer where he is recieving lots of emails
- starts tapping foot/pen.
-Computer shot again but recieves angry e-mail from boss.
-camera follows him angrily get up walk out room and slam door, the slam in time with the music) as the camera will be behind him when the door is shut the camera will just keep moving forward closer to the door hopefully achieveng a form of fade out whilst maintaining movement.
- Match on action & fade in so the camera is moving backwards so the shot gets bigger trying to achieve the same thing in the shot before but rather than fading out it is fading in.
- close up shot of him loosening/ taking off tie.
-close up shot of him rolling up sleeve -close up shot of him rolling up other sleeve -goes up a set of outside stairs (perhaps the stair case leading to the chapel)
- walking in to common room
-picks up guitar on sofa and walks out of the room
- still walking with guitar but is in a different location, maybe Black Park
- In time with lyric "I feel this life like a swinging vine, swing my heart across the line" swinging guitar whilst performing.
- on floor tapping foot, closer shot, perhaps more emotional whilst lip syncing song.

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