Monday 1 July 2013

Award Winners

1) Grammy award for the best music video, 2009, Weezer- Pork and Beans

Introduction- introduces the band also introduces a new shot every time the chord is repeated. Arguably the introduction intrigues the audience and makes them curious with the video going wrong on the shot of the last band member.

The change at the end of a repeated chord is continued through out the video and also occurs with larger changes in the song, for example from verse to chorus.

Continuation from one shot to the other is maintained by having one key feature from the previous shot in the next/new shot.

Once a guest is introduced in the next shot they have one of the band members will be with them, adding comedic affect but also making sure the video stays focused on the band themselves. The band is also shown together performing the song at each chorus.

The seemingly random and funny clips in the film that refer to popular internet videos, although do not have a direct connection to the lyrics or song themselves, do seem to emphasise the fun attitude of the song and perhaps reflect its care free lyrics.

2) NME best music video, 2013, Arctic Monkeys- R U Mine?

The video is simplistic, members of the band sitting in a car singing the song and being filmed. As the song progresses and the pace becomes faster and beat gets stronger, more people appear and more changes occur. This perhaps compliments the lyrics "I go crazy cos here isn't where I want to be" as the the more the video progresses the weirder it becomes alluding to the "crazy", also the video is in constant movement emphasising the restlessness displayed in the lyrics.

The disruptions in the film, similar to that of old/original film reels, are placed at the same time as strums of the guitar or beats on the drum, which not only add difference to the otherwise simple visuals but engage the audience by combining visuals and sound. This is perhaps the main focus of the visuals in the first verse as the film depicts both members pretending to play the drums, not lip syncing the lyrics so perhaps this combined with the disruptions in film focus' the audience to the song.

1 comment:

  1. I can't see the videos on my iPad but your comments are detailed and interesting. Fab!
